Sammy Ngaho
Sammy is a native Kenyan. He accepted Jesus Christ in high school and immediately recognized the call of God on his life. He began to preach the gospel and witnessed many receiving salvation. Many of these converts are in full-time ministry today. Through his evangelistic work, Sammy with a few friends started planting churches. These churches are still going strong today. Later, Sammy enrolled in a bible school to receive formal training.
Dorothy Ngaho
Dorothy is a native Nigerian. She was born into a Christian family and personally accepted the Lord at a very young age. She received her secular education in Great Britain and the United States. She later enrolled in a bible college in Fresno, California. Upon completion in 1987, she was sent to Kenya as a missionary with Victorious Living Ministries. There she met Sammy and was married in 1990.
In 1992, Sammy and Dorothy traveled to the United States for more training. In 1994 they founded Ngaho Ministries International, a non-profit organization. They returned to Kenya the same year traveling and holding seminars. In September 1996, the first classes began in New Creation Bible Training Centre in Lanet ~ Nakuru, Kenya. It is a school that reaches beyond the denominational boundaries. In 2000, New Creation Church was founded.