There is a child…
…in this world, in your city, town or even in a country far away, who has spent the day without a meal to eat and would possibly spend the night in the cold on an empty belly, with no roof, no bed to sleep on. This child is one among millions scattered on the streets of our cities and towns. Everyone of these children have a horror story to tell about their lives of what happened; the nightmares, inhuman abuses, physical, sexual and even the brutality of the law enforcers that will send chills to your spine, as they describe it with pain and innocence in their voices. Whose fault is it?

Before Rehabilitation

Just After Rehabilitation
“What did I do? If my dad or mom were alive, this wouldn’t have happened. If there was no tribal wars my parents would not have died, our house wouldn’t have burned down and I wouldn’t be living on the streets. I wish I could go back to school, but I can’t. I have to beg or go through the dumpster to eat to survive. Who will come to my aid? I wish I could go back to school and start a new life from being a ‘street kid’…, that’s what we are called, but we are a big family. We are actually called ‘street family’. I wish I could return to my family, but they are dead. We ask you to be part of our family. You do not have to live with us on the streets but you can help get the ‘street’ out of us.”
There are millions like these children across the earth. They live and sleep on the streets, come rain, cold or heat. They eat out of the garbage heap. They live a life of survival. They have no where to call home, lay their heads, eat a cooked meal and grow up like an average child. These children and millions like them need our help and we can each do something no matter how small it is.
It is our hope that you will truly be blessed by being a child sponsor as you endeavor to make a difference in the life of a needy child. Please consider sponsoring a child today! No administrative expenses will be deducted from your sponsorship. All contributions are tax deductible.