The Apostle Paul in his letter to his ministry partners says:
“I thank my God for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day (you heard it) until now… It is right and appropriate for me to have this confidence and feel this way about you all, because you have me in your heart and I hold you in my heart as partners and sharers, one and all with me, of grace (God’s unmerited favor and spiritual blessings). (This is true) both when I am shut up in prison and when I am out in the defense and confirmation of the good news (the Gospel)” Philippians 1:5,7.
Paul knew the importance and value of partnership. The benefit and joy of partnership comes from knowing you are making a difference in the lives of people around the world. Every person saved, healed, delivered, fed, and clothed as well as the ministers that are trained, and touched by God have you to thank. You may never meet them face to face on this earth, but will know them in heaven for they will thank you for your generosity.
As we co-labor to bring the lost to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, make disciples and equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, we have much to accomplish before He returns.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us.

We would ask that you prayerfully consider Ngaho Ministries Int’l in helping you train leaders to reach the nations for Jesus Christ. We have a proven ministry that is going places and making significant changes in the world.
Send donations to:
NMI (Ngaho Ministries International)
PO Box 1018
Clovis, Ca 93613
Please feel free to contact us at:
PO Box 9744 – 20100
Lanet, Nakuru, Kenya